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Pharmacy Marketplace and Rx Purchasing Round Table

In this episode, Michael introduces you to Mort Jorgensen, the Co-founder, and CEO of Rx’n Go, Paul Ford, the Founder of OrchestraRx and Pramod John, the CEO of VIVIO Health. Join our round table as we dive into the current state of the Pharmacy Marketplace and ideas to challenge the inefficiencies and problems in traditional Rx purchasing. 

Glen Tullman l Livongo

In this episode, Michael introduces you to Glenn Tullman, Executive Chairman of Livongo. Join us as we discuss how Livongo empowers people with chronic conditions to live better and healthier lives.

Tony Miller | Bind On Demand Health Insurance

In this episode, Michael introduces you to Tony Miller, Co-founder and CEO of Bind On Demand Health Insurance. Join us as we discuss how Bind provides an innovative platform to address some of the deficiencies in traditional insurance products and makes health insurance easy, affordable and flexible for consumers.

Paul Ford | OrchestraRx

In this episode, Michael introduces you to Paul Ford, the Founder, and CEO of OrchestraRx. Join us as we discuss OrchestraRx’s consumer-driven pharmacy benefit model and the impact it can have on an employer-sponsored health plan’s drug spend.

Bryce Canfield + Andrew Slutzky | GoodRx

In this episode, Michael introduces you to Bryce Canfield, Vice President of Business Development and Andrew Slutzky, General Manager of GoodRx. Join us as we delve into the services offered by GoodRx and how they can help you save money on your next prescription.